Zhi Yang received her Ph.D. in Biostatistics from the University of Southern California. She currently works as a Senior Manager in Biostatistics at Bristol Myers Squibb. She previously worked as a Biostatistician II at NanoString Technologies for two years. She is an organizer of the Los Angeles East R Users Group which is under the Southern California R Users Group, and serves in the organizing committee for 2020 Symposium on Data Science and Statistics.
She has been providing statistical support to a wide range of research teams in both academia and industry to answer real-life problems, including e-cigarette policy, Alzheimer’s prevention, drug marketing strategy, free-roaming dogs vaccination strategy in Africa, colorectal cancer development, e-cigarette use among adolescents and etc. She has over eight years’ programming experience in R, SAS, Python, SQL, and Stata. She is the author of five R packages on Bioconductor. She loves working with the heterogeneity of the data and finds it challenging and fun. She has been given >10 talks in national statistical conferences, machine learning conferences, and local meetup meetings.
PhD in Biostatistics, 2019
University of Southern California
MS in Biostatistics, 2015
University of Illinois at Chicago
MS in Chemistry, 2013
University of Illinois at Chicago
BS in Physical Chemistry, 2011
University of Science and Technology of China
and textgenrnn
in Jupyter notebook