How R Markdown family automates the last mile of analytics

What is "the last mile" of analytics? It's the final step that one needs to take to deliver the insights of data and communicate results with decision-makers. R has made it easy for us to wrangle data and build models. With the power of the R …

Mutational signature app

R you ready to see awesome R Markdown?

A introduction to the family of R Markdown packages.

Extracting topics from cancer patients' mutational profiles

An application of topic modeling in genomic data

An interactive treemap of media franchise revenue by category

an interactive treemap using treemap and d3treeR

How difficult it is to get into the top universities in China

data visualization of the college entrace exam data in 2017

E-cigarette product characteristics

Young adults using mod (vs. pen-like) e-cigarette devices at baseline smoked **more than 6 times** as many cigarettes in the past 30 days at follow-up.

Extracting topics from cancer patients' mutational profiles

An introduction on how to apply topic modeling on somatic mutations

Bayesian modeling with R2jags

a gentle introduction on how to fit a simple Bayesian model, visualize and summarize the output using R2jags.

What I learned from practicing interviews on Pramp.com

What I've learned from practicing interviews on Pramp for the first time